Tuesday, September 29, 2009

working on it

just a quick pop in - im trying to figure out how to do this and also stay sane in my insane dayjob. this subject will definately be a topic i want to cover - how on earth do you do balance a dayjob with the things that your brain requires (when you dont get it from your job) and your hands require. how to do these things so that you can get to bigger and better things. i know its not in the best interested of my dayjob (as differentiated by my work which is what i feel like this is) for me to have outside interests that stray me into focusing more on that, but in order to submit the day i need the allowance.

also i have been thinking about how important it would be to really create a cohort of people who are working on thier own projects but in need of some sort of similar motivation.

to be continued.....

1 comment:

  1. I am totally prone to flights of fancy in that I get all consumed by whatever it is that really excites me. I'll admit, I have had jobs I hated, but not ones I was super bored in, so I could usually just put on hold whatever it is that I am excited about for a few hours to really focus, then go back to whatever it is I am currently obsessed with. When all else fails, I would knit during classes...actually, I knit all through highschool, college (which I finished in 2 years), and a paralegal program. I found I focused on the work a lot better if I was keeping my hands busy- and I can have knock down drag out arguments and knit lace at the same time. I am guessing crafting at a job would usually not fly though.

    (Now that I work at home it doesn't work nearly so well, as I am more prone to focusing exclusively on whatever it is I am obsessed with to the exclusion of all else. Makes for some late nights!).
